Stronger businesses, stronger European Union

Reboot Europe

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Reboot Europe

Europe needs an urgent reboot to restore its competitiveness

Europe’s economy is falling behind. According to the OECD, Foreign Direct Investment into the EU collapsed from over 6% of EU GDP to negative figures between 2015 and 2023, while FDI inflows into the U.S. remained strong. This stagnation threatens our ability to achieve the vital green, digital, social and security transitions. We are calling for a reboot of European policies in this new EU cycle to address the structural weaknesses that are undermining our companies’ efforts to deliver for society. EU leaders have acknowledged that Europe’s prosperity is under threat and have committed to making competitiveness the top priority for the next five years. We welcome this new political direction, which must be duly reflected in upcoming initiatives such as the Competitiveness Compass, the omnibus proposal to simplify EU legislation, and the Clean Industrial Deal. Now is the time for action.


From left to right: BusinessEurope Director General Markus J. Beyrer and President Fredrik Persson

Policy changes are urgently needed

Before last year’s European elections, BusinessEurope called for a REBOOT in European policies. Now we are setting out concrete proposals to achieve these goals and make it easier for small, medium-sized and large companies to invest, innovate and produce quality goods and services at competitive prices. This will allow these enterprises to create growth and employment in Europe and provide the economic basis to allow Europe to play its role in the world. European companies are drowning in administrative complexity. Over-regulation stifles innovation. Loopholes in our Single Market hamper the growth of SMEs and startups. All EU policies must be geared towards attracting investment, boosting innovation and increasing productivity if we want to put the European economy back on track. All players must do their part because Europe’s economic success is everyone’s business.


The voice of business at European level

Headquartered in Brussels, at the heart of the EU institutions, BusinessEurope is the leading advocate for growth and competitiveness at European level, standing up for companies across the continent and campaigning on the issues that most influence their performance. A recognised social partner, we speak for enterprises of all sizes in 36 European countries whose national business federations are our direct members.


We work on behalf of our member federations to ensure that the voice of business is heard in European policymaking. We stand up for companies across the continent and campaign on the issues that influence their performance most. We interact regularly with the European Parliament, Commission and Council, and other relevant stakeholders. We also represent European business internationally, ensuring that Europe remains globally competitive.