Our member federations’ actions


BIA calls for commitment to strengthening the European economy and increasing the attractiveness of investment and competitiveness of companies.


With its slogan “Austria, Industrial Country—Reloaded”, the industrial association lays out how to succeed in boosting Austria’s industrial core, the engine for prosperity and security.


FEB's memorandum asserts that the European Union must become the preferred region for entrepreneurship, innovation, and investment for all businesses, large and small.

Czech republic

The Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic will commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Czech Republic's entry into the EU with a special campaign.


Danish Industry’s campaign puts European competitiveness on the agenda under the headline “Time to turn Europe’s future around”.


Medef has launched its campaign "Pour une Europe qui entreprend!", with the vision of a Europe of innovation and growth

Germany (BDA)

BDA’s multimedia campaign “WirtschaftFürEuropa” takes a firm stance for Europe, its achievements and values.

Germany (BDI)

BDI's appeal is to #PowerUpEurope with a new European growth plan. Only with a political agenda focusing on economic strength will Europeans be able to assert themselves in global competition.


SEV has published its report with concerns, proposals and priorities of the Greek business community for the institutional cycle 2024-2029.


Ibec has launched its "Electing for Business" manifesto ahead of a series of hustings events with Irish MEP candidates across each of the three constituencies.


"Fabbrica Europa" includes Confindustria’s proposals for the next EU Parliamentary term, resulting from a wide-ranging and thorough consultation with the entire Association System, which involved all sectors and territories.


FEDIL's recently published document addresses the main policy areas of interest for its members, advocating for decisive and bold steps to restore and reinforce trust.


Maltese businesses expect MPs to take up membership of committees strategically in order to actively monitor and intervene on legislations of relevance to Malta.


Business organisations VNO-NCW and MKB-Nederland have released their call in the context of their Europe campaign and the accompanying vision of what entrepreneurs believe is needed in Europe.


In preparation for the European Parliament elections, Concordia presents their European priorities of the Romanian business environment for the next five years.


Under the slogan "Strengthening, Speeding up, Boosting", CEOE has launched a campaign to highlight its proposals for the new European institutional cycle 2024-2029.


Swedish Business and Industry wants Sweden to be the driving force for the EU to prioritize the right issues, with a focus on building a strong internal market and a competitive EU during the next mandate period.