National Actions

BDI, Germany


A new growth plan for a sustainable Europe
Strong industry. Strong Europe.

PowerUpEurope is BDI’s European election campaign. The German industry wants to make Europe a continent of opportunities and growth again. They are convinced that our continent has both a lot of potential and current challenges. During the EU election cycle, there needs to be a renewed focus on their economic growth, their strength in the world. Companies are key to this. More specifically: less overregulation, more competitiveness and trust in business. Therefore: Let’s #PowerUpEurope together with a future-forward industrial plan!

Their recommendations on how to #PowerUpEurope:

  • Overcoming geopolitical risks: Launching new trade and investment initiatives.
  • Getting rid of ballast: Strengthen the EU internal market. Thoroughly reduce bureaucracy.
  • Securing supply: Guarantee sufficient and affordable energy.
  • Remaining a green pioneer: Technological innovations for more climate and environmental protection.
  • Catching up digitally: Driving digitalization forward. Closing the innovation gap.
  • Ensuring tomorrow’s success: Financing strategic investments for the future.
  • Becoming more independent: Getting a grip on bottlenecks and price increases for raw materials.
  • Getting Fit: Developing the healthcare industry into an innovation powerhouse.